November 13, 2007

Creating a New Knoxville Culture

Recently, young professional Knoxvillians have become passionate about one thing, community. After reviewing the Knoxville News Sentinel and Rock Top MBA, I have come to this conclusion:

Knoxville is in the process of building an infrastructure and community dedicated to positive growth. To me, Knoxville is the country's best suburb, there is no better place to raise a family. But what about young professional culture, can you find that it in the numerous shopping malls and franchise restaurants we are known for? Doesn't look like....

The MBA program and groups like Young Professionals of Knoxville (YPK), seem to be really interested in serving, uniting, and inspiring a unique experience for the next generation. With infrastructure and community in place, no doubt that the next generation will define this city.

As discussed before in the previous Styrofeen blog, Knoxville is known to date for 2 things, the 1982 Worlds Fair (25 Years ago) and the Big wonder the YPKers are stepping up, they must.

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